Make an
impact today

Our Goal is to expand our programing to provide life changing opportunities

Make a donation.

It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

Why Donate?

  • Humble Vizionaries 4 Change offers its programs to youth free of charge; the only expectation is that they engage in community service activities.

    Our foundation relies on donations to fund these program scholarships for young people.

  • Our foundation is designed to create entrepreneurial opportunities for young people while fostering a safe environment that promotes mental health and wellness.  Our goal is simple: to offer options over excuses. We believe every young person, regardless of their background or circumstances, deserves the chance to succeed.

  • We aim to raise $100,000 to support our culinary food truck program. Humble Vizionaries has teamed up with several chefs in Central Florida who are dedicated to educating our youth. Our objective is to provide training in healthy food options, as well as teaching essential skills in planning, budgeting, and marketing, all while creating job opportunities and offering the community affordable, nutritious meals.

  • Our goal for Spring 2025 is to launch a certified mobile detailing program. We require a work van, a 20-gallon water tank, multiple pressure washers, and supplies for a six-month period. The focus is on youth employment and entrepreneurial opportunities. This initiative will allow us to serve the community while equipping our youth with skills that can transform their lives.

  • Your generosity is crucial to sustaining our programs, funding youth scholarships, and covering administrative costs. By investing in our foundation, you are investing in the future of our communities. You are giving hope to young people who may have felt forgotten or overlooked. Together, we can empower them to break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future.

  • Our Mission and Impact

    Humble Visionaries 4 Change is committed to:

    Skill Development: Providing hands-on training in the film, music, culinary arts and more.

    Community Service: Instilling a sense of responsibility through mandatory community service.